Monday, April 16, 2012

Similarities, differences, judgements?


  1. Dear Mr. Crusell,
    Good day to you. I'm Amy Beach, one of America's first successful female musicians. Like you, I am a composer and have composed many different types of pieces including concertos and even a symphony. We also both had to deal with pressure from our parents not to pursue music as a career and to do something more "practical" with our lives. Despite our similarities, we do have many differences. You did not go through the struggle I had to go through as a woman becoming a successful musician in a world dominated by men. Another difference is that you are from a lower class family in Finland while I am from an American middle class family. We are also nearly a century apart in age. Finally, you have learned to play the clarinet while my primary instrument is the piano.
    I really enjoy listening to your work. One song in particular, Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in E flat major, Op. 1: I. Allegro, I really like due to it's lovely dynamic contrast. You seem like a very nice artist and I can't wait to hear more from you.
    -Amy Beach

  2. Hello Mr. Crusell,
    I am very interested in learning more about you. You are a very talented and hardworking musician. We both came from lower class families. I didn't have a hard time though with my parents not wanting me to go into the arts and become a dancer though. I do believe that sometimes our parents are wrong. Think about it, if you had gone in a more "practical" career as Ms. Beach said, you wouldn't have been the amazing musician you are today.
    - Fanny Elssler

  3. Hello Mr. Crussell,
    Your blog is very nice! Although I did not find many similarities at all, our differences are endless. You are a man, for one. making it hard for you to understand my struggle in the arts community as a woman. Also, you grew up among the lower classes. I wouldn't know anything about that. Over all, I greatly respect your work.

  4. Hello Mr.Crusell, your blog is interesting. Our similarities would be, we are both musicians! You've done much work in our art. And I apreciate that, also we have very musicly inclined families!
    Differences, well Hahah being funny here your a man and I'm a woman. But no, no. You use your mouth to play your lovely clarinet. While I use my mouth to sing my Opera.
    Judgements, your brilliant musician and you've succeed well. And also just throwing ni weve both done composing. And it's interesting to know you tried to do an opera. I'd love to know more of that.

  5. Bonjour! Wow you seem like an exclent musicion! You really seem like you have a passion for your art!
    We are diffrent because you were born into a family of ritch musicions and i grew up with a family of poor peddlers. Also not everyone in my family had a passion for acting like how in yours everyone loved their music.
    We are simiar because we both take great pride in our art! Also just as you have i have performed in many spetucular places!
    in conclusion i think you are very talented!

  6. Hello Mr. Crusell. I was very impressed by your accomplishments as a composer. I see that we are very different. Besides the obvious of you being a composer and musician and me being a poet, I differ from you because I used my poems as a my political voice. Your work does not seem to be influenced by controversial issues in society at all. We also have some things in common though. It sounds from your interview as if we both look up a great deal to our different mentors. We are also similar in that we both design our own work, me as a poet, and you as a composer. Well, goodbye, I enjoyed learning about you.
